Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jackalope World Capital!

Douglas, WY

Jackalope Capital of the World

Legend has it the first jackalope was sighted here in 1829. Jackalopes are said to be a cross between an antelope and a jack rabbit. They look like a jack rabbit with antlers. They grow to be the size of a small horse. They are said to be aggressive if cornered. Their habitat ranges from Colorado to Wyoming and into Nebraska. Jackalopes are reported to be fond of whiskey. The City of Douglas is proud of the jackalope. They have a jackalope statue in their town center and celebrate “Jackalope Day” every June. You can even get a jackalope hunting license in Douglas! Okay, if you do not believe all of this, here is another version. Douglas Herrick, a local taxidermist, came up with a new trophy in 1939. He mounted deer antlers on a jack rabbit for fun and showed it to the local citizens. Stories started to spread and the legendary hoax grew to become a national debate. Is there really a JACKALOPE?

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